Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
What I Knew:
Absolutely nothing. Flying blind into this, and probably the rest of the Friday the 13th movies until Jason X.
What I Expected:
At this point, basically nothing. I have lost all hope in this series. I'm starting to wonder if i just invented the hockey mask in my poorly formed memories of these movies. As far as i can tell, the creative teams are just smacking their typewriters over and over until j, a, s, o, and n appear on the page in sequence, then they call it quits. Maybe its too soon to be so negative about the series, but im really doubting it.
What I Got:
A terrible movie made for 3D with things constantly popping at the camera. Also Jason's mom is back in an homage to the end of the first movie. My favorite things that popped at the screen were an obviously fake snake on a spring, a yo-yo, a phallic pitchfork, some apples and oranges that were being juggled, the female lead's butt, and a guy's eyeball.
How I Felt:
Cheated and betrayed. I feel a lot of rage towards the people who wrote this movie, the people who acted in this movie, the people who greenlit this movie, the people who paid money to see this movie, and most of all, myself for having sat through this entire movie.
View This:
I've come this far, I guess. I don't know, im just so discouraged now.

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