Sunday, April 3, 2011

Night Watch (2004)

The best thing about this movie was the subtitles. They are honestly amazing in literally every way. I've never seen a subbed film that managed to convey so much emotion and acting through the way the words were presented before. It made the experience of watching it so much better.
Basically, there are two armies of monsters hidden to humans. Half of the monsters control the day (the titular Night Watch) and half of the monsters control the night (Day Watch). One of the Night Watch guys is tasked with protecting a boy from a vampire and breaking a woman's curse that threatens to end the world while managing his relationship with his vampire landlord and his new partner who used to be a bird. Its a bleak, eastern bloc movie crossed with a sleek hollywood action-horror in the vein of Underworld which gives me very mixed emotions re: it. On the one hand i like the Russian styling of it and really all of the style that it manages to wrangle is cool as heck (see the subtitles), but on the other its still a shallow, kind of boring, movie about vampires. There's things in it that remind me of Ghostbusters 2 and not in a good way. But, man, its worth seeing for the subtitles alone.

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