Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween 2012 Day 9: Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

I've expressed my dislike for the Paranormal Activity films on this blog before. They're the most cynical approach to horror film i can think of, edging out super-gory slasher remakes by a landslide. Zero budget is required, next to zero crew, an astroturf marketing scheme: These films are pure profit. I can stick with cynical, bankrupt horror films if there's at least a trace of something interesting happening at all in any of them, but not once in any of these films is an element of imagination seen. Just a cashgrab based on "Hey, the Blair Witch Project was cool but I bet we could make way more money."
Paranormal Activity 3 is no different from the two previous entries in the series. Absurdly rich people go about their banal, idle lives while dumb, uninteresting things happen til them and then suddenly, in the fifth act, something crazy (and usually stupid) turns everything on its head in a violent way. Formulaic at the best, artistically worthless at its worst.
One good things I can say about Paranormal Activity 3 is the child actors they got are definitely above average. The adult actors are another matter. Everything in this movie is boring and rings false to a point where there's no point in even discussing it. Its a Paranormal Activity movie. It is intentionally bland. In spite of, or possibly because of this, the most egregious problem with the movie is the screaming anachronism. Technology, interior design, and vocabulary that did not exist in 1988 is all over the place. The editing and continuity, just within the movie let alone within the year 1988, is a nightmare. Not a single person involved with this film gave one wit about detail. Bad movie, dont watch.

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