Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Day 3: Resolution (2012)

In resolution we find ourselves transported into a world where a man has chained his best friend to a pipe in the wall of an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. As the friend detoxes from meth, the man begins to lose himself in his own story.
The meta-narrative is kind of played and the ambiguity of the film, which admittedly is its high-point in a great climax, feels kind of forced. Otherwise this is a fantastic, superbly acted, tightly written, high-tension, full intrigue, spectacular film.
In a meta way, as so eloquently portrayed by the film, I'm starting to lose my edge with regard to horror films. Maybe its getting older, maybe its something worse, but I'm continuing to find myself more anxious about what's going to happen to the characters than I am about "monsters" or whatever. More anxious, less scared. It works pretty well in this film, where everything is chekhov's gun, and the constant worry of when its all going to fall in place adds to the movie but overall, tension has got my stomach in pits lately. Maybe I'm losing my edge. This movie made me think about these things, and any horror movie that leaves you thinking is a good one. Any movie that leaves you thinking is a good one, in my opinion.
This isn't really much of a review. Consider it an Op-Ed.

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