Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Alien Resurrection (1997)

The Alien films are great. Alien is amazing, Aliens is super fun, and I even liked Alien 3 a whole lot. The Alien is a great horror monster. Giger's character design is perfect, the way it moves, the unstoppable nature of it. A force of nature. My adoration of the first three Alien films makes Alien Resurrection that much worse.

Two hundred years after Alien 3, a clone of Sigourney Weaver's Ellen Ripley (and a clone of the Alien queen) awake on a United Systems Military ship, where the military is trying to, guess what, turn the Aliens into biological weapons. When a group of pirates, including Ron Perlman and Winona Ryder, show up with human hosts for the facehuggers to infest, all hell breaks loose and "Ripley" and the crew have to escape an Alien infested starship before it crashes into Earth.

Its a generic plot for a generic film, every inch as boring as Alien was exciting. All the things about the first two movies, the grime and dirt of the first, the corruption and devastation of the second, are presented in Resurrection as the complete opposite. Sterile, boring sci fi spaceship filled with tons of uninteresting characters. The writing is insipid, a Joss Whedon scifi hallmark, and the acting is even less convincing. Even Ron Perlman couldn't save this mess. What a boring movie and an unfortunate way to end a great franchise.

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