Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Maintenance

So, I've watched a lot of horror movies since Nightmare on Elm Street. The problem being, none of them were incredibly awful and by being able to suspend my disbelief fully, re: not taking notes or liveblogging the entire time, i enjoyed them a lot. That throws me into a bit of a conundrum with the blog. I love horror movies, I watch a ton of them, several a day occasionally. I don't love blogging and I don't blog a lot. However, I do love the experience of watching horrible horror films with the intention of finding stupid, stupid, stupid things about them and typing about those stupid things on the internet. I love identifying what makes Jason Takes Manhattan different from The Final Chapter. I love being able to say, "I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Friday the 13th movies." I love looking back at what I've written and going, "Oh man, that blowjob scene was hilarious," or "Does he think I'm a farthead?" I love the idea that this blog exists.
Part of the reason Nightmare on Elm Street took so long to watch/write-up was a lot of burnout re: blog. I felt obligated to only watch crappy horror films that I could make fun of/feel despair over. Taking these last few months and watching a lot of Good Films has revitalized my hater spirit. Not completely though.
I think I'm going to hybridize the concepts of the blog. The stupid slasher liveblogs and summaries will continue, hopefully at a more frequent pace. I'm going to tackle the higher concept, more interesting horror films in a shorter format. That seems almost backwards but I feel like the liveblogs and jokes are necessary for my own enjoyment of the "worse" films while I still don't feel secure enough to srsly essay on the bigger pieces. Maybe in the future. Regardless,  I've got a backlog.

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