Sunday, September 12, 2010

District 9 (2009)

Good movie, awesome aesthetic choices that are unfortunately abandoned for a weak narrative after the first act,  and frankly amazing technical work. The sound design is awe-inspiring and the cg is nearly flawless, which, from me, the guy who loves puppets, is very rare praise. The story is absolutely great in the first act, shows its cracks in the second when it abandons the documentary conceit, and completely falls apart in the third. Its a shame, but the movie manages to survive it. However, format changes, narrative cliches, and wacky hijinks aside, the characters of Wikus and Christopher are seriously amazing. The empathy that Wikus inspires and later betrays is built so satisfyingly and watching him let Chris down really felt like he was letting me down. Seriously would recommend watching this and am heavily looking forward to Elysium.

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