Thursday, September 30, 2010

Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)

Okay, full disclosure: I am a sucker for campy horror movies (huge surprise), musicals, the mall goth aesthetic (which is a subset of campy horror i guess), and Anthony Stewart Head. This movie was like engineered to appeal to me. It, however, is not really a good movie. Like, if you hate this movie, i completely understand. I'd probably actually encourage you to keep hating it. But I loved it. I had some of the songs stuck in my head afterwards. I think they could have capitalized on the setting and fringe characters a lot more, seeing as those things were like a billion times more interesting than the actual plot. The music was clearly "rock opera" and not "musical" and i think that harmed its execution re: seemed forced a lot of the time.  It is kind of the epitome of "fat goth girl who really likes Rocky Horror and Dresden Dolls and wears pink/black gloves all the time." Again, though, in spite, or because, of that, I loved it. Anthony Head was miscast.

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