Thursday, December 30, 2010

House of the Devil (2009)

Hey, remember when I said that Dead End was trying to recreate an aesthetic that you cannot recreate twenty years later? House of the Devil did it. House of the Devil accomplished the impossible: It made an excellent late 70s-early 80s satanic horror movie in 2009. This movie is amazing in so many ways. A love letter to a very specific genre of movie, its clear the director has a passion for this very unique, and incredibly beautiful, space of cinema history. House of the Devil is the period piece to end all period pieces. House of the Devil is the horror throwback to beat, but I have my doubts that any movie could ever manage to nail the aesthetic as absolutely perfectly as House of the Devil did. If you have ever seen a satanic horror movie, you owe it to yourself to watch House of the Devil and then be put into a coma from it. Your system will not be able to handle the shock of seeing a 2009 copyright date on this film, and that's the best compliment it could ask for.

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