Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Signal (2006)

Okay, so, apparently this movie was made by three different directors each directing one act. It shows re: the first act is just exposition, almost Fight Clubby in its execution, the second is slapstick and legitimately pretty funny in parts, and the third is screaming "Am I David Lynch yet???" at the top of its lungs. None of the three parts ever really feel that disconnected from each other and the film does come together to make a super entertaining, cohesive whole. Its really open ended and incredibly isolated so, like, don't come into this expecting a 28 Days Later style movie I guess. I really feel like I have to give the directors a lot of credit for this, considering how difficult it is to make something really actually funny and also something that really screws with your head and this film manages to do both in satisfactory fashion.

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