Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ichi the Killer (2001)

I don't care if this doesnt count as a horror film. This is my new favorite, non-Clue, movie. Violent, silly, poignant, absurd, surreal, yet grounded in a way that makes it Even More Surreal. Just so brilliant. I struggle to think of something else to say about it. Even with that list of adjectives up there, none of them really describe it. When someone says Black Comedy, they usually are referring to something that generally isn't very dark and isn't very funny. Ichi the Killer satisfies both and then takes it to the next level. Kakihara is fascinating and his power struggles, within and without, are incredibly compelling. in the end, the movie comes down to societal condition as applied to sado-masochism and Ichi the Killer gives you all the pieces inside a hyper-violent, sometimes melancholy, sometimes hilarious, always entertaining shell.

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