Thursday, December 30, 2010

Infection (2005)

A severely understaffed and collapsing hospital is forced to put aside lingering tensions and antagonism to deal with a bizarre corpse brought in under weird circumstances. The corpse disappears and nurses/doctors start going mad and murderous. And then of course there's a twist ending that Really Makes You Think About Things (no it doesnt it doesnt make you think its just dumb.)
A thing i have with foreign films is like, im afraid that I dont have the required amount of cultural context to really Get what the director is going for, but with Infection that problem doesnt really exist. Its disgustingly misogynist and insulting to anyone who has ever seen a horror film, on top of being disgustingly boring. I've seen slasher movies with more substance and less hatred of women than this literal garbage.
The only good thing I can say about it is the lighting was pretty cool in a lot of places and the setting was neat. Its a real shame that you have a film like this, one that feels almost claustrophobic and busy in its tedium, set in a place like a huge near-abandoned hospital. Seems like a waste.

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